Case Study: Releasing Muscle Contraction

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A young person has a stiffness of neck. Usually take pain killer rapidly stop the pain. The Dr. diagnosis whiplash—is neck injury. Heavy medication does not work. Chiropractor treatment gets better few weeks after pain return. Massages feeling good become more dependent on strong touching. She is easily gets angry and feels stressful. Previous acupuncture treatment resulted in more stress and pain.

She attends Tai Acupuncture treatment  the first consultation, during which the practitioner asked if her period was coming soon, the patient confirmed this. The treatment is gentle inserted few needles on BL2, GB20 and GB21, the point on CV2 and CV12, GV20 and GV14. The patient felt happy when she left and the next day she called in and said thank you.


Traumatic factors lesion to the body walls tissues the disorders largely are involved to muscles trauma. Thus, well managed the lesion muscles are significance in ACU treatment.


Muscles trauma may be strain, tearing, tension, spasm or contraction, resulting in a shortening in the length of the muscle, the muscle being overstretched, weakness, muscle loss of equilibrium or loss of coordinated movement.


Repeat overused is results in dystrophy, atrophy, loss of muscle movement causing by acute or chronic inflammation, tissue adhesion and muscle degeneration. Thus, severe or chronic trauma to the muscles can cause disability.


The lesion can be severe or mild in the severe cases may attend ACU treatment. The lesion location is frequently at the origin or insertion of the muscles, moreover, cause the muscle contraction reveal on the belly of the muscle.


The tear on the muscle origin for example is where the muscle-tendon attached to the joint or bone and affect to the sensory neuron of muscle may feel deep discomfort sensation. The patient is difficult to move the limb-swollen joint and pain.

In acute inflammation stages the needle is inserted into the skin and the inflammation lump to release the swollen fluid improved the wound healing process. Immobilization may avoid further damage and increased wound healing. Observed the wound healing process started with gentle movement, if the lesion is in the lower limb avoid body weight compressed to the wound and takes more time to heal.

In general ACU treatment requires few weeks to recovery.


When illness becomes chronic ACU treatment needs more treatment times: the treatment may involve to release acute and chronic inflammation especially released the obstructive tissues interrupted the neurovascular pathway causing pain and interfered the muscles and joint movement.

Released muscle contraction in acute inflammation state focuses on muscle origin releases the inflammation. In chronic inflammation stage is removed the obstructive tissues at insertion of the muscle.

The needle is inserted into the skin connective tissues and the side of the muscle—fascia at both side of the muscle belly and retention needle for 15minutes can release muscle contraction.


Usually in the muscles insertion because of repeat-overused may form tissues-obstruction. The needling method is removed the obstructive tissues.


All movements of the body are a result of the coordinated action of many muscles. A loss of coordinated muscle movement can become a cause of disease. For example, if the synergist and fixate muscles are unable to stabilize the joint, the prime mover muscle may stretched the joint out of a normal anatomy position. To discover the cause(s) of the disorder it is necessary to determine which muscle are malfunctioning. For example: When the biceps is contracted the triceps may relaxed.


When muscle is contracted, the force is applied to levers (bones) resulting in movement of the levers (bones). The bone capable of transferring a force is applies at one point along the lever to weight placed at some other point via fulcrum (joint). The joints function as a fulcrum, the bone as levers and the muscle contraction produces the force to move the levers (bones) and a body motion is completed.


In chronic inflammation is frequently formed joint or bone malformation ACU treatment released muscles contraction overstretch the joint or bone return the body postural position, which is following this muscles joint and bone correlation.


Sensory and Motor neuron


The nerve serving a muscle is composed of motor and sensory neurons. The sensory endings, called muscle and tendon spindles act as a nerve receptor. The nerve receptors are responsible for the deep sensations felt in the muscles and tendons.


Neurotendinous is a properceptive nerve ending found in the tendon, muscle septa or sheets, muscle tissue or at the junction of a muscle or tendon. The nerve branches and retrenches in the connective tissue of the skin and muscle. Needling into those points may stimulate sensory neurons causing muscles contraction.


A motor unit consists of a single motor neuron and a collection of muscle fibers innervated by the motor neuron usually located at the muscles insertion point. That is preferred gentle needling in this point released the obstruction in the skin connective tissues and fascia allowing the motor neurons via reflexes mechanism effect the muscles tone.


Stimulus-Sensory neurons-CNS-Motor neurons Laws


The nerve impulses arising from the labyrinths and neck muscles, information arising from the cerebellum, mid-brain and cerebral centers, general information arising from other muscle groups, joints and even skin receptors will result in nerves impulses impinging on motor neuron in anterior gray column controlling the muscle movement, which is following stimulus- sensory neurons-CNS-motor neurons reflexes mechanism laws.




All muscles are enclosed in the sheaths of fascia. This fascia emerge from bony eminences is at times reinforced by the expansion of tendons. Those fascia envelopes vary in thickness depending on the region, which they occupy: such as the femoral quadriceps muscle containing a strong and thicker fascia. “Fascia in which is exercise a permanent compression on the muscles contained in their sheaths and thus augment the muscles power of contraction. In many instances the powers of muscles are involved fascia correlative with tendon and bone.” (Artistic anatomy)


In these instances, a chronic contraction muscle that contains a thick fascia such as rectus femoris muscle the pain symptom can be more pronounce. The needle is inserted perpendicularly into the skin and fascia, or transversely over the fascia or longitudinally along the side of the muscle, in which is into the skin and the fascia instead of inserted into the muscle fiber could achieved better result. Retention needle in the point after needling is significance in release the severe muscle contraction.

The lifting and thrusting needle techniques together with rotating methods are commonly applies when needling into the fascia; lifting thrusting and rotation the needle several times—10 times into the fascia to release the obstruction. The fascia is a strong and hard collagen tissues after ACU treatment require repeat and gentle stretch to release the tension and obstruction of the muscles.




A tendon is a tough band of fibrous connective tissue that usually connects muscle to bone and joint is capable of withstanding tension.

Tendons are similar to ligaments and fasciae as they are all made of collagen except that ligaments join one bone to another bone, and fasciae connect muscles to other muscles.


ACU treatment is, frequently, involved observing:

The correlation of connective tissues—included fascia, ligament, and tendon, together with muscle bone and joint


A muscle is a collection of fibers bound together and surrounded by fascia. Which are two parts of muscle: muscle fibers part and the tendon part. The tendon part is the end of the muscle that attached to the bone or joint.


In treating the collagenous connective tissues the direction of needle insertion is depends upon the direction of the collagenous fibers. For example, needle insertion into dense, regular collagenous connective tissue should follow the direction of the collagen fiber one direction.

When needling to the dense irregular collagen could be all direction, however, that needs to observe the physiology body stretching movement direction such as flexion extension or rotation.


The perception of muscle and tendon cooperated movement, practically mean: after needling released the obstructive tissues in the muscle or tendon need stretching exercises allow the muscles and tendons function recovery completely.


Tendons are viscoelastic structures and are more stretchable than ligaments. When stretched, tendons have a soft tissue mechanical behavior. Several studies have demonstrated that tendons respond to changes in mechanical loading with growth and remodeling processes, much like bones. That advisable during or/and after needling gentle stretching the tendon and muscle allowing the two tissues cooperated and maintain on the newly remodeling processes.

The Stretching Power

Where initiated the strength of the body when lifting heavy weight. More body weight trainer believed that essentially is observed the large muscles fibers contraction.

According to medical sciences the strength of the limbs are involved:

* The reticular layer of dermis

* The connective tissues

* The fascias

* The tendons

* The muscles fibers

* The nervous system control the coordinated muscles movement


Disorders occurred in any one of those tissues can causing illness. Thus in ACU needling methods require observed above all factors and released the interruption. Especially after ACU treatment requires stretching exercises such as muscles flexion and extension movement  elongated the muscles length and maintain the result.

That is preferred gentle stretching exercises for start gradually may increase the strength of the body especially the muscles coordinated movement and avoid overstretch causes acute inflammation.